Float Memberships
Unlock the best version of yourself.
Create a new baseline for dealing with stress. Find reliable recovery and pain relief. Cultivate more presence, flow, and creativity in your life!

Pay for your first float ($65) then secure your standard membership for only $55/month!

​2 Bonus Floats?! Yay! But why would we offer such a sweet deal?
Great question. We see too many people float once, and then wait too long before trying it again. Floating is a practice, that offers the best results when done with some
consistency. We want you to feel the benefits of floating firsthand.
Float at least 3 times in a month and the positive effect on your life will be undeniable.
From there, adjust to fit your goals/needs/lifestyle. We have members that
float weekly, monthly, then there are some who like to float just about daily.
Additional Membership Options:
Unlimited Float Membership: Pay $299 up front for the ability to float once per day for one hour. $25 for an additional hour; $15 additional 30 minutes. All other Standard Membership benefits & guidelines apply.
Two Float Membership: $95/month. Includes 2 float credits per month. Two FREE bonus floats at sign-up. All other Standard Membership benefits & guidelines apply.
See more of our pricing options here.
No contracts. No B.S. Cancel any time.
Visit store to enroll.